Nanamin no Negoto 30

title Nanamin no Negoto 30
date/time 2021.07.15
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yamashita Nanami (»³²¼¼·³¤)

This was the 30th broadcast of Yamashita Nanami's solo program.

The theme for Nanami's outfit was stars. She showed that she was wearing a Spira Spica T-shirt, which had stars in the picture.

It was getting close to Nanami's birthday. She had lots of broadcasts and events recently, and she feels that she has had a lot of equipment problems. She said that she might be giving out some aura every year near her birthday.

The game that Nanami played was Mario Golf Super Rush for the Switch. Nanami stood up and swung the controller like a golf club.

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