Nanamin no Negoto 34

title Nanamin no Negoto 34
date/time 2021.11.18
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yamashita Nanami (»³²¼¼·³¤)
guest Aoki Ruriko (ÀÄÌÚÎÜÍþ»Ò)

This was the 34th broadcast of Yamashita Nanami's solo program. The guest was Aoki Ruriko.

Nanami and Ruriko were sitting in gaming chairs.

Nanami outfit today was chosen by Yamazaki Erii during the previous broadcast. It was a lacy shirt with a sweater over it.

The game Nanami and Ruriko played was Idolmaster Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage. 11/28 will be the 10th anniversary of this game.

They took turns playing the game on one smartphone. Ruriko got a full combo on one of the songs.

Nanami said she will be a guest on Aoyama Yoshino's show tomorrow.

Nanami also announced that there will be a collaboration broadcast with Yoshioka Mayu's show on 12/26.

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