Caramel Heights / Caramel Town

Show Caramel Heights
Station Bunka Housou (1134 kHz)
When Wednesday, 21:30 - 22:00
Rebroadcast Wednesday, 20:30 - 21:00 (BSQR)
Personality Inoue Kikuko (°æ¾å´îµ×»Ò)

Show Caramel Town
Station BSQR
When Monday, 20:00 - 21:00
Rebroadcast Wednesday, 23:00 - 24:00 (BSQR)
Internet Thursday
Personality Inoue Kikuko (°æ¾å´îµ×»Ò)
Hirohashi Ryou

Caramel Heights and Caramel Town are two slightly related radio shows hosted by Inoue Kikuko. Both are rebroadcast on the satelite radio station BSQR, and this broadcast has some stills in addition to the audio. A digest version of Caramel Town is also broadcast on the Internet, Caramel Town.

Summaries of broadcasts

  date guest
Town 2003.07.07 Nagai Noa
Heights 2003.07.30 Nagai Noa, Yamamoto Maria
Heights 2003.08.06 Nagai Noa

[Caramel Heights / Caramel Town]

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