Animemashite - 2017.09.25

Program Animemashite (アニメマシテ)
Date 2017.09.25
Hosts Takahashi Hidenori
Sawashiro Chiharu
Narration Hama Kento
Guest Tanaka Minami (田中美海)
Aoyama Yoshino (青山吉能)

The hosts for the September 25, 2017 broadcast of Animemashite were Takahashi Hidenori and Sawashiro Chiharu.

The guests were Tanaka Minami and Aoyama Yoshino from Wake Up Girls. They talked about the upcoming Wake Up Girls TV series. The CDs for the opening and ending songs will go on sale 11/29.

This was the last broadcast of Animemashite.

Hidenori and Chiharu had only one broadcast.


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