Shibuya no Oto and more FES.2019

program Shibuya no Oto and more FES.2019
air date 2019.09.07 23:00-24:??
channel NHK
seiyuu Inami Anju (°ËÇȰɼù)
Saitou Shuka (ÀÆÆ£¼ë²Æ)
Aida Rikako (°©ÅÄÍü¹á»Ò)
Kobayashi Aika (¾®ÎÓ°¦¹á)
Furihata Ai (¹ßȨ°¦)
Takatsuki Kanako (¹âÄФ«¤Ê¤³)
Suwa Nanaka (¿Ûˬ¤Ê¤Ê¤«)
Komiya Arisa (¾®µÜÍ­¼Ó)
Suzuki Aina (ÎëÌÚ°¦Æà)

Aqours was a guest on the NHK TV show Shibuya no Oto and more FES.2019. This was a live song program featuring many artists.
Aqours was also a guest on last year's broadcast.

Aqours appeared in their school outfits to talk with the hosts. They had prepared to sing one of two songs, and they took a survey to see which song they will sing. The songs were "Brightest Melody" and "Mirai no Bokura ha Shitteruyo".

"Brightest Melody" was chosen, so Aqours sang that. This song had an outfit change in the middle of the song.

[Shibuya Note]

[seiyuu TV appearances]

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