Music Japan - 2011.01.16

Program Music Japan
Air Date 2011.01.16
Time 18:10 - 18:40
Appearances Mizuki Nana (¿å¼ùÆࡹ)

The January 16, 2011 broadcast of Music Japan was the fourth Anison special. There were many anime song singers, including seiyuu Mizuki Nana.

Nana had two stages, one singing duets with May'n, and one solo stage. She wore different outfits for these stages.

Nana's songs were as follows.

  • Mizuki Nana and May'n "Eternal Blaze"
  • Mizuki Nana and May'n "Diamond Crevasse"
  • Mizuki Nana "Juujika no Spread"

[Music Japan]

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