Saber Marionette

This page is the on-line Saber Marionette (セイバーマリオネット) encyclopedia.

Saber Marionette (and SM Girls Saber Marionette) is a story about androids which looked like girls, and had an otome (girl) circuit in their hearts. It is a story of love and friendship. (But some of the series also have gags and sexiness.)

There are MANY components in the Saber Marionette world. There is a story Saber Marionette J in Dragon Magazine, an audio drama series Saber Marionette R and Saber Marionette J, an OAV series Saber Marionette R, a TV series and OAV series Saber Marionette J, a radio show Saber Marionette J, a TV series Saber Marionette J to X, a Playstation game Saber Marionette J Battle Sabers, and a manga SM Girls Gaiden Saber Marionette Z (zero).

This page contains the following information.

This page is being organized by Hitoshi Doi ( [RSS 2.0], and contains contributions by the following people (in alphabetical order). I'm sorry if I left anybody out.

  • Sebastien Jarry
  • Kevin Lew
  • Tatsushi Nakao
  • Joe Petrow
  • Yutaka Sasagawa

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(c) あかほりさとる・ねぎしひろし/BANDAI VISUAL・MOVIC
(c) Akahori Satoru, Negishi Hiroshi/Bandai Visual, Movic