Kira Kira Melody Gakuen radio - 1999.11.21
The broadcast is done in a small booth in a corner just outside of the Kong Tong Town and Gamers stores, in the basement of Piaza Matsudo. The booth is made up of clear walls (doesn't go all the way up to the ceiling), so you can see the girls as they do the radio show. There are about 40 chairs (in 6 rows) in front of the booth. Pictures are not allowed during the broadcast, but after each show, there is about one minute where the fans are allowed to take pictures of the girls. The Kira Kira Melody Gakuen radio shows that were broadcast today were as follows.
I watched the Oyasumi Kyuukou and Pixy's Room broadcasts. I only had my digital camera, so I couldn't get any good pictures. I'm bringing my real camera next week. (^_^;)
[Kira Kira Melody Gakuen events]
Kira Kira Melody Gakuen Radio
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