Karei One Turn

Karei One Turn (TrySail)

released 2023.05.31
2400 yen+tax

This CD+DVD package contains the opening song for the TV anime Isekai One Turn Kill-neesan (唱壑釵伐件正□件平伙鉼今氏). The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. 缽昜伐件正□件
  2. Follow You!
  3. 缽昜伐件正□件 -Instrumental-
  4. Follow You! -Instrumental-
Songs by the seiyuu group Try Sail, made up of Asakura Momo (呾轄手手), Amamiya Sora (惚萊韁), Natsukawa Shiina (笙燠饒窪).

The DVD contains a promo video of "Karei One Turn" and some making of video.

[Try Sail CDs]

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