
Shoot! (Ro-Kyu-Bu)

Warner Brothers 1000232057
released 2011.08.17
1890 yen

This CD+DVD contains the opening and ending songs to the TV anime Rou Kyuu Bu (¥í¥¦¤­¤å¡¼¤Ö).

The CD tracks are as follows.

  1. Shoot!
  2. Party Love -Okkiku naritai-
  3. Shoot! (Instrumental)
  4. Party Love -Okkiku naritai- (Instrumental)
Songs by the seiyuu group Ro-Kyu-Bu, made up of Hanazawa Kana (²Öß·¹áºÚ), Iguchi Yuka (°æ¸ý͵¹á), Hikasa Youko (Æü³ÞÍÛ»Ò), Hidaka Rina (Æü¹âΤºÚ), Ogura Yui (¾®ÁÒÍ£).

The DVD contains a promo video of Shoot. This video has the Ro-Kyu-Bu members playing basketball and "acting" out a story like the anime. The girls wear basketball uniforms and school uniforms in the video.

Hanazawa Kana is wearing a short skirt with her basketball uniform, while all the other girls are wearing short shorts.

Itou Shizuka appears in the video as school teacher.

[Ro-Kyu-Bu CDs]

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> Ro-Kyu-Bu CDs

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