Kanaten Shinjouhou Kaikin Tokuban

title Orokana Tenshi ha Akuma to Odoru Shinjouhou Kaikin Tokuban
date/time 2023.12.03 21:00-21:50
broadcast youtube
archive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaENc_O0LO8
seiyuu Uchida Yuuma (内田雄馬)
Sakura Ayane (佐倉綾音)
Umeda Shuuichirou
Toki Shunichi
Touyama Nao (東山奈央)
video Nozawa Masako (野沢雅子)
Tanaka Mayumi (田中真弓)

This was a live broadcast for the TV anime Orokana Tenshi ha Akuma to Odoru (愚かな天使は悪魔と踊る). The seiyuu hosts were Uchida Yuuma, Sakura Ayane, Umeda Shuuichirou, Toki Shunichi, and Touyama Nao.

The TV anime starts next January, and they showed a promo video. The seiyuu talked about each of thier characters, and also the other characters.

Then there was a video mesaage by Nozawa Masako and Tanaka Mayumi, who were doing the voices of two boxing "animal" characters.

Then the seiyuu played a boxing game, competing against each other.

[seiyuu specials for TV anime on the Internet]
[anime pre-air TV specials]

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