Shuwarin TV 10

title Pastel Palettes Shuwarin TV 10
date 2020.08.21
broadcast youtube
hosts Uesaka Sumire (¾åºä¤¹¤ß¤ì)
Ozawa Ari (¾®ß·°¡Íû)
Nakagami Ikumi
corner Maeshima Ami (Á°Åç°¡Èþ)

This was the 10th broadcast of Shuwarin TV, by Pastel Palettes. The seiyuu were Uesaka Sumire, Ozawa Ari, and Nakagami Ikumi.

The challenge for this broadcast was "oekaki shiritori", play the game shiritori by drawing pictures instead of saying words. Each seiyuu was given 10 seconds to draw the picture, and they had to complete two loops (Sumire to Ari to Ikumi).

They succeeded in their second attempt, so they got a piece of apple pie as their presents.

The regular broadcast was around 13 minutes, and Ami's corner was around 5 minutes.

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