Dengeki Game Live 113

title Dengeki Game Live 113
date/time 2023.10.26
broadcast niconico, youtube
hosts Takatsuki Kanako (高槻かなこ)
Maeda Kaori (前田佳織里)

This was the 113th broadcast of the Dengeki game show. The hosts were Takatsuki Kanako and Maeda Kaori. The background had some Halloween decorations.

There were 4 game corners, and the first was the game "Genjitsu no Yohane Blaze in the Deep Blue", which is planned to go on sale 11/16.

Kanako played some of the game.

They also had the actual box of the game in the studio. Kaori showed some of the things that were in the box, like the tapestry and CD.

They will have a game trial event on 11/11 in front of the Radio Kaikan in Akihabara. There will also be some game trials at the Machi Asobi event on 10/28 and 10/29.

At the end, they announced that there will be a special broadcast for the Yohane games (Blaze in the Deep Blue and Numazu in the Mirage) on 11/16, and Kobayashi Aika will come as a guest.

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