Uchida Maaya 2nd Commentary

title Uchida Maaya 2nd Commentary "Smiling Spiral"
date/time 2017.08.21 21:00-22:30
broadcast niconico
archive none
cost free
seiyuu Uchida Maaya (ÆâÅÄ¿¿Îé)

This was a live broadcast for the bluray/DVD of Uchida Maaya's second live, "Smiling Spiral", that will go on sale August 23, 2017.

Maaya said that she just trimmed her hair, just the front.

They showed clips of every song, and Maaya talked about the songs, outfits, and her perfomances.

Maaya also announced the name of her next single (6th single), "C.O.S.M.O.S". They also showed some jacket photos.

[Uchida Maaya Internet broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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