Karaoke Max tokuban

title Karaoke Max tokuban
date/time 2018.02.08 21:00-22:30
broadcast niconico
cost free + premium members
seiyuu Koyama Tsuyoshi
Itou Kento
Lounsbery Arthur
Iida Yuuko
Ozaki Yuka (Èøºêͳ¹á)
video Yamazaki Erii (»³ºê¥¨¥ê¥¤)
Tokui Sora (ÆÁ°æÀĶõ)

This was a live broadcast for the Karaoke Max 6th event by Koyama Tsuyoshi. The guests were Itou Kento, Lounsbery Arthur, Iida Yuuko, Ozaki Yuka.

This was the second niconama for the Karaoke Max events. The first broadcast was in August 2017.

Tuyoshi talked about the event itself, and introduced the guests for the upcoming events.

Yuka said that she liked going to karaoke, but she always goes by herself. Then she said she also goes shopping and to the movies by herself too.

They also showed some video clips of previous events. Tsuyoshi "Don't Say Lazy", Yamazaki Erii "Valentine Kiss", Itou Kento, Tokui Sora "Snow Halation", Itou Kento and Nakamura Shuugo "Glass no Shounen", Iida Yuuko "Yasashii Kimochi".

Then the free broadcast ended, and there was a special broadcast for the premium niconico members. This was around 30 minutes, and Tsuyoshi and Kento did a karaoke battle by using the karaoke machine scoring system.

singers song
Kento Sekai ga Owarumadeha
Tsuyoshi Chijou no Hoshi
Kento Hanabi
Tsuyoshi Tsumi to Batsu
Kento, Tusyoshi Eikou no Kakehashi

Karaoke Max broadcasts
[2017.08.11] [2018.02.08] [2018.06.01] [2018.11.06]

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