Seiyuu Otazatsudan 11

title Seiyuu Otazatsudan 11
date/time 2021.10.05
hosts Matsui Eriko (¾¾°æ·ÃÍý»Ò)
Takada Yuuki (¹âÅÄÍ«´õ)
guest Kubo Yurika (µ×ÊÝ¥æ¥ê¥«)

This was the 11th broadcast of Seiyuu Otazatsudan. The hosts were Matsui Eriko and Takada Yuuki. The guest was Kubo Yurika.

There were Halloween decorations in the studio. All the participants wore some costume. Eriko was wearing a black military skirt outfit, with a long cape. Yuuki was wearing a nurse outfit. Yurika was wearing a Harry Potter school outfit.

[Seiyuu Otazatsudan]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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