Elder Flower Hatsubai Kinen Net Sign Kai

title Elder Flower Hatsubai Kinen Net Sign Kai
date/time 2021.07.31 16:00-18:00
broadcast youtube
host Ohnishi Aguri (ÂçÀ¾°¡¶êÍþ)

This was a live broadcast of a net signing session by Ohnishi Aguri for her second solo single "Elder Flower".

This broadcast was free to watch, even those who didn't get the signature.

This was the second session of the day, and Aguri signed a different postcard from the first session.

At the end it was getting pretty dark in the room.

Aguri will have a talk and mini live event on 8/8.

Aguri had three online signing sessions and one event for her second single.

[seiyuu personal broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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