Shinken! x Shirobaco Shinshun Standing Live 2016.01.23

event Shinken! x Shirobaco Shinshun Standing Live
date/time 2016.01.23 20:00-21:10
broadcast niconico
archive none
emcee Kawabata Shiori
seiyuu Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)
Arai Miwa
Moriya Haruka

The Shinshun Standing live of January 23 was broadcast live on niconico, and the broadcast covered the entire event, up to the presents corner. The broadcast was a little over one hour.

This was a song event, and each guest had a 20 minute song stage. The emcee was Kawabata Shiori, and she stayed on the right side of the stage the entire time.

Arai Miwa had the stage for the first 20 minutes.

Moriya Haruka had the stage for the next 20 minutes.

Both Miwa and Haruka sang songs from the game Shinken.


The third performer was Hata Sawako. Sawako was wearing her Flamberge Montauban "cosplay" outfit. It looked like she was wearing colorful tights (or long socks).

Sawako's first song was "Venus Drive". She seemed very out of breath. After the song, Sawako said that she had to run back to the dressing room because she had forgotten her microphone.

Sawako's second song was "Aoi Kaze". Both of these songs were from Venus Project.

Sawako's third song was "Sakurazuki", the ending song to Shinken. Sawako sang the Venus Project songs in a low voice, but sang Sakurazuki in a pretty high voice. It seemed like she was having a lot of problems singing the high parts.

After singing "Sakurazuki", Sawako went off the stage right away.

Sawako's stage was only about 15 minutes, and there wasn't that much talk.

After a short call for "encore" (started by Shiori), all three peformers came back onto the stage.

Sawako and Haruka were wearing outfits in the image of their characters, but Miwa was wearing street clothes (actually Shiori's clothes).

Then they all sang "Ancestral Sin". Sawako even had some solo parts in the song.

After the song, they all gave some final comments and the broadcast ended.

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