Mayu Shiritsu Yoshioka Koukou Tsuushinka 55

title Mayu Shiritsu Yoshioka Koukou Tsuushinka 55
date/time 2023.08.03
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yoshioka Mayu (µÈ²¬çýÍ´)
guest Honizumi Rina

This was the 55th broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's solo program. The guest was Honizumi Rina.

This was first time Rina came to the studio in around two years. Her previous in studio appearance was in September 2021. But Rina participated via the phone in a broadcast on April 6th, when Mayu played a horror game.

The game Mayu and Rina played was the PC game Phasmophobia.

Mayu and Rina will both appear in Nomura Maiko's Maisen Fes event this September.

Mayu and Rina are doing a youtube channel together, and they are planning a summer vacation special. They want to do a live broadcast, but they don't know when they can do it.

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