Shindou Amane CDs

Some of the CDs that Amane has released or appeared in are listed below.

Solo CDs

Amane has not released any solo CDs.

Miscellaneous CDs

Amane appears (sings/talks) in the following miscellaneous CDs.

2021.02.24Bang Dream! Girls Band Party! Cover Collection Vol.5 (BGMM-10345)Song {Morfonica}
2021.08.25Bang Dream Film Live 2nd Stage Special Songs (BRMM-10410)Song
2021.11.10Bang Dream! Girls Band Party! Cover Collection Vol.6 (BGMM-10468)Song {Morfonica}

CD Singles

Amane appears (sings/talks) in the following CD singles.

2021.10.06Harmony Day (BRMM-10437)Song

Lookup the latest CD information for Shindou Amane in the seiyuu database

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