AniGe- Eleven 24

Program AniGe Eleven (アニゲー☆イレブン) 24
Date 2016.03.24
Host Kubo Yurika (久保ユリカ)
Guests Aki Takanori
Video Uesaka Sumire (上坂すみれ)
Minase Inori (水瀬いのり)
Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (松岡禎丞)

The guest for AniGe Eleven broadcast 24 was Aki Takanori, the president of Good Smile Company.

Mr. Aki brought many Love Live nendroids, and talked about creating the nendroid figures.

There was a video report on the seiyuu awards. Uesaka Sumire won the best new seiyuu award, Minase Inori won the best female seiyuu award, and Matsuoka Yoshitsugu won the best male seiyuu award.

[AniGe Eleven]

[seiyuu TV appearances]

[ Kubo Yurika (久保ユリカ) ]

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