AniGe- Eleven 87

Program AniGe Eleven (アニゲー☆イレブン) 87
Date 2017.06.08
Host Kubo Yurika (久保ユリカ)
Guests Sasaki Sayaka
Video Genda Tessho
Wake Up Girls

The guest for AniGe Eleven broadcast 87 was anime singer Sasaki Sayaka.

In the video report corner, there was an interview of Genda Tessho for the new Warau Salesman TV series.

There was also a report on the AniUta Live that took place on May 13. There were some clips of the Wake Up Girls and Aqours.

[AniGe Eleven]

[seiyuu TV appearances]

[ Kubo Yurika (久保ユリカ) ]

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