Music Japan - 2010.08.08
The August 8, 2010 broadcast of Music Japan was the second half of the
Shinseiki Anison SP3.
The first half
was aired on August 1, 2010.
The seiyuu that appeared (performed on stage or video clips shown)
were as follows.
- Mizuki Nana and Tamura Yukari
Nana and Yukari performed together and sang "Innocent Starter"
and "Lttle Wish -lyrical step-"
- Makino Yui
They showed some clips of Yui's appearance on an Internet TV program.
Yui sang "Yuuforia"
- Tamura Yukari
They showed some video clips of Yukari's fan club event at Yomiuri Land.
Yukari sang "Oshiete A to Z"
- Mizuki Nana
Nana sang "Don't Be Long"
In addition to the seiyuu, Takahashi Youko sang "Tamashii no Refran".
[Music Japan]
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