Yamazaki Erii CDs

Some of the CDs that Erii has released or appeared in are listed below.

Solo CDs

Erii has released the following solo CDs.

2018.11.21Yoake no Cinderella (COCX-40578)Song
2018.11.21Yoake no Cinderella [CD+DVD] (COZX-1491)Song

Miscellaneous CDs

Erii appears (sings/talks) in the following miscellaneous CDs.

2017.01.18Colorful Shining Dream First Date (KICS-93446)Song

CD Singles

Erii appears (sings/talks) in the following CD singles.

2015.05.13Colorful Story [Every-ing] (NMAX-1187)Song
2016.02.10Shining Sky (KICM-1653)Song
2017.04.19Juudai Koukyoukyoku (COZC-1310)Song
2017.08.02Jounetsu Fruits (COZC-1361)Song
2018.08.22Starlight (COCC-17487)Song
2019.02.27Last Promise (COCC-17565)Song
2019.03.20Trick (VICL-37470)Song

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