Yes! PreCure 5

The Yes! Pre Cure 5 series is a different story and takes place in a different world from the Pre Cure (Pretty Cure) and Max Heart series, and the Pre Cure Splash Star series.

The previous series had two main girls as the PreCure, and the title of the show had "Futari ha PreCure" (the two are PreCure) in it. But this show only has the PreCure name. This time there are five PreCure girls.

The main theme of PreCure5 is basically the same. Normal junior high school girls transform into the PreCure fighters, and help save a distant world from destruction. The cute animal-like creatures, transformation items, and other traditional magical girl anime features also exist in this show.

Unlike the previous series, which took place in modern Japanese cities, this story takes place in a very European-like city.

This page contains the following information for the Yes! PreCure 5 series.

[Yes! PreCure 5 TV episode guide]

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> Yes! PreCure 5
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(C) ABC・東映アニメーション
(C) ABC, Toei Animation