Young Dragon Age Vol.15

Young Dragon Age Vol.15
2023 March

on sale 2023.02.28
690 yen

Yano Hinaki (矢野妃菜喜) is on the back cover of Young Dragon Age Vol.15. There is also a small photo of Hinaki on the front cover.

There is a 16 page photo collection of Hinaki in the middle of the magazine, and Hinaki is wearing three different outfits.

The first 5 pages have her wearing a long blue sweater over her pajamas. The next 6 pages have Hinaki with a white blouse with some flower designs, and a long white skirt.

The last 5 pages have her wearing a white checkered one piece over a blue long sleeve shirt. She's also wearing a white hat. Many of these photos were taken outdoors.

There is also a one full color page advertisement for digital photo books by Nakashima Yuki (中島由貴) and Liyuu (リーユウ). There are a few photos from Yuki's "After the Rain" and Liyuu's "Arcana".

[weekly and monthly comics]

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