There are magazines dedicted to seiyuu now.
Most of these magazines began publishing in 1994 or so,
when the popularity of anime and game seiyuu increased dramatically,
i.e. the current seiyuu boom.
There are also some reference books filled with seiyuu data.
Since many of the weekly and monthly comics turn into TV anime,
some of the idol seiyuu have appeared in articles or photo collections
in the weekly and monthly comics magazines.
Some of the non-seiyuu magazines occasionally carry articles and
interviews of seiyuu, as the seiyuu boom has started getting
noticed by the general public.
The text database containing seiyuu book and magazine information
is listed below.
This database only includes books and magazines where the
seiyuu were featured prominently.
The search string can be anything, like a seiyuu name, show name, etc..
Some regular expressions will work, and all searches will be done in a
case insensitve manner.
When typing in names, use the "LASTNAME FIRSTNAME" order.
Dates must be in YYYY.MM.DD format, for example 1997.06.21.
[Seiyuu names can be entered in Japanese or Romaji.
Other data must be entered in English or Romaji only.]