School Idol Festival card skills

Each R, SR, and UR card has a special skill which can help the player during the game. There are three different kinds of help, and several kinds of conditions that trigger the help.

The three kinds of help are as follows.

charm additional points
yell life recovery
trick lenient judgement of tap

The trigger conditions are as follows.

rhythmical a certain number of combo
timer a certain number of seconds
total a certain number of notes
perfect a certain number of perfect taps
score a certain number of points
star perfect getting a perfect on a star note

The R cards and serial code SR and UR cards all have the same type of skills. They are a combination of rhythmical, timer, total, or perfect and charm, yell, or trick.

The cards (as of March 2015) have the following skills.

rhythmical-charm 17 combo, chance of additional points
rhythmical-yell 17 combo, chance of life recovery
timer-charm 10 seconds, chance of additional points
timer-yell 10 seconds, chance of life recovery
perfect-charm 15 perfects, chance of additional points
perfect-yell 15 perfects, chance of life recovery
total-yell 20 notes, chance of life recovery
total-trick 20 notes, chance of lenient judgement

The R and serial SR/UR cards of the same type of skill can be practiced together to increase the skill level (up to a maximum of level 8). As the skill level goes up, the probability of the trigger goes up, along with the help values.

The non-serial SR and UR cards all have uniquely named skills, but the effect is the same as a combination of the trigger and help listed above. To practice these cards, you need to have two of the same cards, or one of the special teacher SR/UR card.

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