Aqours Uranohoshi Jogakuin Namahousou 7/24

title Love Live Sunshine Aqours Uranohoshi Jogakuin Namahousou
date 2019.07.24 20:00-21:00
broadcast niconico, youtube, others
hosts Aida Rikako (°©ÅÄÍü¹á»Ò)
Komiya Arisa (¾®µÜÍ­¼Ó)
Takatsuki Kanako (¹âÄФ«¤Ê¤³)

This was a live broadcast by the seiyuu of Love Live Sunshine. The hosts were Aida Rikako, Komiya Arisa, and Takatsuki Kanako.

The bluray of the Love Live Sunshine movie "Over The Rainbow" goes on sale 7/26. They read many mails about the movie and showed many stills from the movie. Then they opened the package and showed some of the contents.

They played the song "I-n-g I try", which was the tokuten song for the movie bluray.

The Love Live Sunshine ichiban kuji goes on sale 7/27, and there are high quality figures this time.

They gave out information on the Aqours 4th single that goes on sale 9/25, "Mitaiken Horizon". They showed the jacket picture, and Hanamaru is in the center for this song.

They gave out information on the live tour, "Love Live Sunshine Unit Live Adventure 2020". There will be a series of lives by each unit.

Guilty Kiss 1st Live 2/8, 2/9 Tokyo
Cyaron 1st Live 2/22, 2/23 Fukuoka
Azalea 1st Live 3/7, 3/8 Sendai

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