Nijigasaki Gakuen Namahousou 4/5

title Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Namahousou
date 2022.04.05 20:00-21:00
broadcast youtube, others
hosts Maeda Kaori (Á°ÅIJ¿¥Î¤)
Sashide Maria (»Ø½ÐÝÜ°¡)
Uchida Shuu (ÆâÅĽ¨)

This was a live broadcast by the seiyuu of Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai. The hosts were Maeda Kaori, Sashide Maria, and Uchida Shuu.

The seiyuu all had similar hairstyles.

The Nijigasaki TV anime season 2 started on 4/2.

They gave a lot of information on the game School Idol Festival All Stars.

There was some information on the Love Live x Pacific League collaboration.

The Nijigasaki members will be at the Softbank vs Rakuten game on 6/18, and the participating members will be Maeda Kaori and Uchida Shuu. They will do the first pitch, and also have a talk show.

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