Love Live! Series Shinnenkai

title Love Live! Series Shinnenkai
date 2024.01.03
broadcast youtube
hosts Nitta Emi (¿·Åķó¤)
Iida Riho (ÈÓÅÄΤÊæ)
Kobayashi Aika (¾®ÎÓ°¦¹á)
Takatsuki Kanako (¹âÄФ«¤Ê¤³)
Hayashi Koko (ÎӸݻÒ)
Houmoto Akina (Ë¡¸µÌÀºÚ)
Ohkuma Wakana (Âç·§ÏÂÁÕ)
Yuina (·ëÆá)
Kan Kanna (¿û³ðÏÂ)
Tsukine Kona (·î²»¤³¤Ê)

This was a broadcast by the seiyuu of Love Live. The hosts were Nitta Emi, Iida Riho, Kobayashi Aika, Takatsuki Kanako, Hayashi Koko, Houmoto Akina, Ohkuma Wakana, Yuina, Kan Kanna, and Tsukine Koa.

There were two members from each of the 5 Love Live groups, and they sat together in the kotatsu.

After the introductions, they gave out lots of information about upcoming events and such.

The Love Live Special Talk Session event will take place on 2/23 and 2/24, and the guests are as follows.

date seiyuu
2/23 Nitta Emi, Uchida Aya, Iida Riho, Pile
2/24 Nitta Emi, Uchida Aya, Mimori Suzuko, Iida Riho, Pile

The Love Live Orchestra Concert will take place on 3/30 and 3/31, and the following Muse members will sing: Nitta Emi, Uchida Aya, Pile, Mimori Suzuko, Iida Riho, Kusuda Aina.

The Liella 5th Live will take place on 1/20 and 1/21 in Fukuoka, and 2/10 and 2/11 in Tokyo.

Then they played some games, each school competing against the other schools.

At the end, they gave out some more information. The Nijiyon Animation 2 TV anime will start in April, and the Love Live Superstar season 3 TV anime will air in 2024.

The theme song for Liella's 5th live "Shekira" will go on sale 1/10.

Hasunosora's 1st single "Link to the Future" will go on sale 1/17.

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