Seiyuu Hata Sawako to Oshaberi Shimasenka? 6

title Seiyuu Hata Sawako to Oshaberi Shimasenka? 6
date/time 2020.09.28 19:00-19:30
broadcast line live
seiyuu Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)

This was the 6th free live broadcast by Hata Sawako on her "official" line live account.

The video was mirrored, left and right.

Sawako just read the comments and talked.

Sawako said it started getting cold right after her birthday.

Sawako said she made gyouza, so she did some poses with it. Then she started eating some. Sawako said she made some gyouza from scratch before, but she said the frozen ones tastes better.

A listener asked if Sawako likes soba or udon. She said it was very close, but she said soba.

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