Seiyuu Hata Sawako to Oshaberi Shimasenka? 18

title Seiyuu Hata Sawako to Oshaberi Shimasenka? 18
date/time 2021.09.23 15:00-
broadcast line live
seiyuu Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)

This was the 18th free live broadcast by Hata Sawako on her "official" line live account.

Many people were saying "Happy Birthday" to Sawako, as she just had her birthday a couple weeks ago.

Sawako will have a broadcast birthday event on 10/2. She said she will sing around 6 to 7 songs again.

Sawako said she is thinking about letting her hair grow long again.

Sawako said she ate a Tsukimi Burger at McDonald's. She doesn't like the cheese that much, so she ate the standar Tsukimi Burger without the cheese.

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