Mikami Shiori CDs

Some of the CDs that Shiori has released or appeared in are listed below.

Solo CDs

Shiori has not released any solo CDs.

Miscellaneous CDs

Shiori appears (sings/talks) in the following miscellaneous CDs.

2011.09.21Yuru Yuri bluray vol.1 Special Sound CD (PCXG-50121)Talk
2011.10.19Yuri Yura Rarara Yuru Yuri Housoushitsu Gakkouhen (OBC-111001)Talk
2011.10.19Yuri Yura Rarara Yuru Yuri Housoushitsu Umimbehen (OBC-111002)Talk
2011.12.21Yuru Yuri bluray vol.4 Special Sound CD (PCXG-50124)Song
2012.02.15Yuru Yuri bluray vol.6 Special Sound CD (PCXG-50126)Song
2014.10.01Momokyun Sword Vocal Album (VTCL-60380)Song
2017.05.17GirlFriend Character Song Series Vol.05 (PCCG-1595)Song
2021.07.21Yuru Yuri Gorakubu Best Album Special Edition (PCCG-2027)Song
2021.07.21Yuru Yuri Gorakubu Best Album Special Edition Canime Genteiban (SCCG-0076)Song

CD Singles

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