Miyano Mamoru CDs

Some of the CDs that Mamoru has released or appeared in are listed below.

Solo CDs

Mamoru has released the following solo CDs.

2010.08.04Wonder (KICS-91565)Song

Miscellaneous CDs

Mamoru appears (sings/talks) in the following miscellaneous CDs.

2011.08.24Dog Days Drama Box Vol.1 (SVXC-7788)Song/Talk

CD Singles

Mamoru appears (sings/talks) in the following CD singles.

2011.07.13Orpheus (KICM-1344)Song
2013.04.10Kanon (KICM-1439)Song
2013.04.24Maji Love 2000% (KICM-3254)Song {STARISH}
2013.06.12Crystal Time (QECB-51)Song
2013.08.07Splash Free (LACM-14130)Song
2013.09.04Free Character Song Vol.3 (LACM-14123)Song
2014.02.12Free! Character Song Duet Series Vol.3 (LACM-14163)Song
2014.03.19Free! Character Song Duet Series Vol.4 (LACM-14164)Song
2014.08.06Future Fish (LACM-14250)Song
2014.09.03Free! Eternal Summer Character Song 03 (LACM-14253)Song

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