Priconne Character Song 30

Princess Connect Re:Dive Priconne Character Song 30

released 2022.11.30
1300 yen + tax

This CD contains character songs for the game Princess Connect Re:Dive.

The tracks are as follows.

  1. はんなり乙女道中 [Maho]
  2. O-TA-O-TA WORLD [Tomo, Nanaka, Rin]
  3. はんなり乙女道中 (original karaoke)
  4. O-TA-O-TA WORLD (original karaoke)
  5. O-TA-O-TA WORLD Tomo solo remix
  6. O-TA-O-TA WORLD Nanaka solo remix
  7. O-TA-O-TA WORLD Rin solo remix
Songs by the following cast.

MahoUchida Maaya
TomoChihara Minori
NanakaYoshimura Haruka
RinKoiwai Kotori

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