Megami Radio 6 (2016.08.25)

title Megami Radio -Mega Radi- 6
date 2016.08.25
length 44 minutes
song Aoi Kaze (Hata Sawako)
hosts Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)
Ichimiya Saku
guest none

The Venus Project live (Jikkengata 2.5 Jigen Megami Live) took place 5 days ago, but this was recorded before the live. So they read mails, but the mails weren't about the event yet.

Some of the highlights from the talk..

Saku appeared on the August 11 broadcast of Anime Pia Channel. It was the first time that she appeared in person for an internet broadcast.

Sawako and Saku both didn't watch the Olympics. Sawako said she usually has no interest in sports, but when she watches the Olympics or World Cup Soccer she gets emotional and cries pretty easily.

Saku said she usually wears glasses, but during the radio show she wears contacts.

Sawako also needs glasses, but she can't contacts for a long time. So she always carries an extra set of contacts.

Sawako said she didn't do her homework that much when she was in high school, especially her summer vacation homework. She said she was able to get away without turning in all the work.

The song they played was "Aoi Kaze" by Hara Eriko (Hata Sawako).

After the song was the Venus News corner. They said the next live (the September live) will be different from the August live.

The Venus Project radio drama will begin next month.

Hayase Marika will be the guest next week (broadcast 7).

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