Megami Radio 8 (2016.09.08)

title Megami Radio -Mega Radi- 8
date 2016.09.08
length 47 minutes
song Shootin Star (Hayase Marika)
hosts Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)
Ichimiya Saku
guest Hayase Marika (ÁáÀ¥è½²Ö)

This was the second broadcast with Hayase Marika as the guest. Marika was a guest last week (broadcast 7).

Some of the highlights from the talk..

Sawako and Marika met over 2 years ago at their seiyuu school. At first they didn't think they would become such good friends, but they are very good friends now.

They went to Okinawa together, on a two night trip. The first night, they ate at an izakaya restaurant. The second night, they took out the food and ate in their hotel room, while playing games.. They said they couldn't go into the ocean because the weather was bad.

They wanted to go again, and planned many trips. But their work schedules conflicted so they couldn't go on another trip yet.

Sawako said that she was just a normal girl, but Marika said that Sawako seemed like an "ojousama" (girl from a rich family). Marika felt that way because Sawako can play the violin. But Sawako said that she failed to get into the public high school that she tried for, so she went to a private school, and that school had an orchestra club.

Marika said her mother was kindergarten teacher, so she played piano since she was little.

Sawako said that she worked part time in department store basement selling deserts when she was in college. They were very strict with the manners, so she was very polite.

Marika loves vinegar and puts it on most of her food. But Sawako doesn't like it that much, so she can't eat Marika's leftovers.

Sawako said she likes guys who are and act manly. She doesn't like feminine guys. She also likes manly girls too.

Saku said she liked to dress up like a guy. She even cosplays a lot. She said she is used to wearing pants, and not used to wearing skirts. Sawako asked her to dress up like a guy for the next radio recording.

The song they played was "Shootin Star" by Nureha Miu (Hayase Marika).

After the song was the Venus News corner. There will be Venus Project lives in September and October.

Marika said that she wants to come onto the stage on a gondola from the air one day.

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