Where the Foooood 14
This was the 14th broadcast of the "cooking show" by Sawako and Yuuki. Sawako was wearing a long sleeve white shirt with a cute frilly collar, and her red apron. Her hair was in a pony tail. Yuuki was wearing a blue sweat shirt and her yellow apron. She also had a little pony tail (as her hair is pretty short). At 21:06 they showed the foreign language recipe. It was Vietnamese. It was Sawako's turn to cook, so she headed for the kitchen at 21:12. There was a Vietnam quiz, and if they answered the questions correctly they would get the original Japanese recipe. Yuuki closed her computer so they couldn't see the comments by the viewers. They (Sawako) got the first two questions correct. At 21:30 Sawako returned to the table to say "bye", as they switched to the members only broadcast. They talked a little about the event that they will have in Kita Kyuushuu, which was Yuuki's hometown. Sawako was going to be a guest at Yuuki's event. At 21:47, Yuuki said that their PC battery was running out! Then the staff brought them the power cable.. Since they couldn't finish cooking in one hour, the broadcast got extended a little. Sawako had made cabbage rolls.
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