This was the 18th broadcast of the "cooking show" by Sawako and Yuuki.
The video quality wasn't too bad, but the aspect ratio was wrong.
Sawako was wearing a white long sleeve shirt under her red apron.
She also had a large scarf on her shoulders. Her hair was in a ponytail.
There were also some slight curls on the sides.
Yuuki said she was recording the Olympics and watching a lot of the
events. Sawako said she doesn't have a recorder, so she just watches
whatever is on when she gets home.
They showed the foreign language ingredients and recipe. It was Czech.
It was Sawako's turn to cook, so she went to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Sawako found a headset with white cat ears.
(It was 2/22, "nyan nyan nyan" the day of the cat.)
She put it on, but she took it off after a while.
There was a quiz again, a Czech quiz.
At 21:30 Sawako returned to the table to say bye for the end
of the free broadcast.
At around 21:40 Yuuki also put on the ear headset.
Yuuki said that there will be a bus tour event for the Mausu Doubutsuen
bluray on 3/21. Yuuki, Igarashi Hiromi, Matsuzaki Rei, and Furuki Nozomi
will participate in this event.
Sawako finished cooking at around 22:00.
They said it was something they had seen before.
The food was happousai, a Chinese dish consisting of various
meats and vegetables cooked in sauce.
After eating a little bit of the food,
they read some mails and talked until 22:06.